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Ash Grunwald Review

Review and photography by Nik Zanetich

Looping rifts and rhythms composing Ash Grunwald’s signature gritty style became the attention of an adoring crowd who gathered at the Tanks Art Centre on Saturday night.

Melbourne-born roots musician and songwriter Ash Grunwald sold out his Saturday show, resulting in a large number of people being bottle-necked at the gate. Those rejected entry would have been convinced that there was a band accompanying Grunwald; not only because of the volume he was able to amplify onto the street, but because of the sheer number of guitar and bass rifts Grunwald layered to create his music.

While this disorientated the senses - a solo performance delivering the quality of music only poly-peopled bands were capable, the packed crowd was still able to keep their footing as they ‘felt’ the music.

For some this meant keeping their head bopping to the bass drum, and for others, dancing sporadically and interpretively pretty much everywhere. Ash's music got everyone moving.

Ash has been nominated on several occasions for the ARIA and APRA awards, and winning the 2010 APRA “Blue's And Roots Work Of The Year” for his most well-known song Breakout. Personally, hearing this live was definitely the highlight of the night.

All in all, Ash Grunwald lived up to his reputation as a soulful and energetic solo-artist, and provided a night full of dancing, drama and dreadlocks.